Revised 8/4/2014 Login Process

Update for Apple Safari Users with Multiples Access ID’s

If you are trying to use a different access ID to log on, but the last ID you used keeps populating the box instead of the one you typed in, please follow the directions below:

  1. Go to the preferences menu in Safari.
  2. Click on “Autofill”, then edit for “User names and passwords”.
  3. Click the entry for “”, and then click “Remove”.
  4. Next time you log into the site, click “never remember this password”.


As of 8/4/2014 the login process for internet banking will be changing as a result of security regulations.  You will be required to select a login image on your next sign in after 8/4/2014. The login image you select will let you confirm you are actually on Ocala Community Credit Union’s internet banking, and not an imitation or scam. If you ever were to find yourself on the login screen with a different image than you had chosen, you should immediately navigate away from the page and not enter your password. Images of the revised Process are included below.


1. The Password field will be removed from the main page.

login image 1

2. You will be required to select a login image.

3. Upon your next login, you will be able to confirm that the image you selected is displayed.
Login Image 2

If you experience any problems with this process, it is recommended that you upgrade your web browser to the newest version.

Pardon our Dust as we are Remodeling. Use Drive Thru as much as possible. Thank you!